Letter: Homeless coalition appreciative of support

To the community,

On behalf of the Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless (TCH), I would like to thank our community for your support through the second winter of the South Lake Tahoe warm oom project.  Our organization received donations from over 200 different individuals and businesses, and benefited from over 60 volunteers who provided over 1,600 volunteer hours.

In our second winter, we were open every night from Dec. 15 through April 30. We provided 3,741 shelter bed nights and averaged 27 guests per night. The majority of our guests are local – 87 percent reported living or working in the South Lake Tahoe area prior to becoming homeless. Twenty-six percent of our guests were employed at the time they entered the warm room.

The success of this program is reliant on the collaboration of donations from our generous community. Special thanks to El Dorado Community Foundation, Reliapro Painters, Caesars Foundation, South Lake Tahoe Endowment, and many more for their financial support. We are grateful for partnerships with the South Lake Tahoe City Council, South Lake Tahoe Police Department, Barton Health, Darke Marketing, El Dorado County Services, Live Violence Free, Naji Raad & Family, Only Kindness, South Tahoe Refuse, St. Theresa Catholic Church, Tahoe Youth & Family Services, Temple Bat Yam, and Unity at the Lake. Our supporters are too numerous to name ,but we do appreciate all of your support in opening and operating our area’s first overnight emergency winter shelter.

In order to promote more awareness about individuals experiencing homelessness, Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless is planning an educational event, Faces of Homelessness, on Oct. 26 at Valhalla Tahoe.

TCH is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Our mission is to meet the needs of our neighbors experiencing homelessness by providing warm beds and promoting community awareness. Donations are welcomed to aid in funding the warm room 2017-18 season. Checks can be made payable Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless and mailed to PO Box 13514, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96151. Donations can also be made on our website.

Marissa Muscat, TCH