Letter: Questioning NDOT’s plans for Hwy. 50
To the community,
Warrior way, pictured in your article about proposed changes to Highway 50, is a typical T intersection. Every such intersection has crosswalks associated, even those without marked crosswalks. To corroborate this, see NRS 484A.065 “Crosswalk” defined and NRS 484A.240 “Sidewalk” defined.
The diagram proposed for the Warrior Way intersection shows parking on the right side, in complete conflict with NRS 484B.450 Stopping, standing or parking prohibited in specified places. Since there are inferred crosswalks for pedestrians, and since parking is not allowed within 20 feet of a crosswalk, the parking places shown are illegal. Furthermore, the parking places are truly dangerous. As diagrammed, pedestrians would legally emerge from between parked vehicles into the lawfully existing crosswalks creating a danger to both pedestrian and traffic, due to the lack of visibility between parked cars.
Some law enforcement officers do not understand this. I was told by an NHP officer “we can issue jaywalking tickets for people crossing here.” Wrong. Yes, without a doubt they can issue jaywalking tickets, but they are not lawful nor justified.
I am not sure we can trust reconfiguration of our roadways to persons who can make such obvious errors.
Clearly, the person(s) preparing the diagram for Warrior Way also do not understand the law, nor do they understand the principles of traffic safety.
The solution to Highway 50 traffic accidents and deaths seems straightforward, simple, and inexpensive. Simply reduce the speed limits by 10 mph, and enforce the current law of 25 mph when chains are required. If vigorously enforce, the Douglas County and Nevada coffers will be fattened and we will have a more peaceful community.
Robert Dickerson, Zephyr Cove resident and longtime Corvette driver