Al Tahoe bike project to start next week
The Al Tahoe Safety and Mobility Enhancement Project, also known as the Safe Routes to School project, will begin with striping bike lanes on Al Tahoe Boulevard the week of July 17.
The pilot project will be the first step toward the full project planned for 2019. As part of the project class 2 on street bike lanes and a class 1 off street multi-use path will be added in conjunction with vehicle lane restriping.
To test of the concept plan, the pilot project introduces the bike lanes now by reconfiguring two of the four vehicle travel lanes and keeping the two-way center turn lane. In the interim, the extra width will be striped as a “buffered bike lane” which is roughly 6 feet of bike lane and a 5-foot-wide striped buffer between the traffic.
While the City of South Lake Tahoe is the lead on the project and is contributing roughly 13 percent in funding for the project, this project would not have come to fruition without the On Our Way grant funding from the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. The majority of the planning, permitting, design and construction costs are covered by grant funding from the state through the Active Transportation Program.