DCSO trying to fund mandatory body cameras

Douglas County is trying to figure out how to pay for body cameras for sheriff’s personnel, which in this last legislative session lawmakers mandated.

The state will allow Nevada counties to increase the 911 surcharge from 25 cents to $1. This would equate to about $9/year per cell phone if the increase were implemented. Douglas commissioners are not excited to go that route.

As it is the fee doesn’t pay for the entire emergency dispatch system and would fall well short of the money needed for the cameras.

The current fee brings in about $127,000/year, which leaves a shortfall of $47,000 to operate the 911 system. That difference is supplemented from the General Fund.

Douglas commissioners have allocated $241,200 for the cameras. It needs more than $150,000 on an annual basis to maintain the equipment and fund the program.

The county is exploring ways to pay for the cameras, while at the same time seeking a vendor to provide them.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report