Douglas County sewer board taking shape
A more diverse sewer board is about to represent Douglas County at the lake.
The Legislature at the county’s urging abolished Douglas County Sewer District No. 1 effective Oct. 1. In its place is the Douglas County Lake Tahoe Sewer Authority.
Members include: county Commissioner Nancy McDermid, Wesley Rice from Round Hill water district, Darya Vogt representing Kingsbury Grade district and Grant Thompson from Tahoe-Douglas Sewer District. They will pick the last member from the Stateline business community.
The district in 2016 was accused by the Douglas County district attorney of violating open meeting and election laws.
The sewer district had been governed by three board members; two casino executives and a rep from Edgewood Companies.
In addition to the casinos and Edgewood properties, the sewer district has more than 5,000 residential connections on the South Shore.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report