Letter: Kirkwood workers help at Bread & Broth

To the community,

“It was great to see a community come together to help those down on their luck,” said Jacob Klade while taking a break from serving shepherd’s pie, roasted zucchini and Swiss chard salad to the guests at Bread & Broth’s Monday meal on July 17.   

Klade and his fellow sponsor team members Christopher Hostnik, Jarrett Morgan and Christian Neville, all from Kirkwood Mountain Resort, were on hand to help the B&B volunteers at Kirkwood’s Adopt A Day of Nourishment.

Kirkwood Mountain Resort hosts six adopt a days annually and all of the sponsorships are funded through Vail Resorts’ EpicPromise grant program. Vail Resorts grants support many nonprofit partners in Vail Resorts mountain communities. Through these partnerships, Vail Resorts helps ensure our communities thrive. Vail has been funding Monday dinners since the inception of the AAD program and B&B could not be more grateful for Vail’s support.

The Vail EpicPromise monies have funded over 75 meals and fed over 6,800 dinner guests though B&B’s Adopt A Day program. In addition, Vail has sent awesome team members to help at their sponsorship meals. These last four sponsor crew members were enthusiastic and could not have been more helpful at the dinner event. “It was a great experience,” added Klade. “I am looking forward to the next opportunity to volunteer at a B&B meal again.

To partner with B&B as a donor or sponsor, contact me at 530.542.2876 or carolsgerard@aol.com.

Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth