Snippets about Lake Tahoe
· Sandra Taylor is now the third surgeon at Barton General Surgery.
· South Shore resident Bruce Rettig won first place in the Pacific Northwest Writers Association’s 2017 Literary Contest for nonfiction/memoir. The story is about his time in the merchant marine working in Prudhhoe Bay, Alaska, for a tugboat and barge company.
· Progress for Tahoe is having a meeting to discuss South Lake Tahoe’s sales tax/road measure on Aug. 16 from noon-1:30pm at the Boys & Girls Club on Lyons Avenue.
· Check out this video of a Tahoe bear needing a little back scratch.
· Viva L’Auto on Sept. 30 at 6pm benefits 3Strands Global Foundation. It includes cars provided by Niello Automotive, live band, food, drinks, live and silent auction. It will be at Palladio at Broadstone in Folsom. Cost is $75. For details, call 916.996.8813.