Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      David Young of Barton Cardiology will give a free lecture on supplements and cardiovascular disease, including information about CoQ10, fish oils, vitamin D, and calcium supplementation. The talk is Aug. 2, 6-7pm in the board room at Lake Tahoe Community College.

·      Cemetery Gin won a Silver Award at the San Francisco 2017 Worlds Spirits Competition. Cemetery Gin is 100 percent made and produced in Nevada. The spirt is distilled and bottled by Frey Ranch of Fallon and distributed to Virginia City local watering holes along with retail outlets throughout Northern Nevada through Southern Wine and Spirits. 

·      Kylie Shepherd is Douglas County Sheriff’s Office’s newest deputy. She grew up in Lyon County, and attended Western Nevada College where she earned AA degrees in applied science in criminal justice. She will be assigned to the jail division.

·      On Aug. 23 from 9am-noon there will be informational meeting regarding tetrachloroethylene (PCE) contamination near the Y. The Lahontan Water Board meets at 971 Silver Dollar Ave., South Lake Tahoe.

·      Incline Village’s Alibi Ale Works now has a location in downtown Truckee. This location includes a kitchen and stage.