Supervisors keep Santiago off EDC commission
Former El Dorado County Supervisor Norma Santiago was denied an appointment to the county’s Mental Health Commission’s South Lake Tahoe Council.
Norma Santiago
Supervisor Brian Veerkamp at the meeting this month when it came to a vote wanted no part in allowing Santiago a post within the government – even on a volunteer basis – because she sued the county when she got out of office. (She lost the pursuit to be granted back pay.) That lawsuit cost taxpayers about $70,000 in legal fees.
Veerkamp put forth a motion to deny the appointment. Supervisor Michael Ranalli voted with him. However, it failed 2-2. Supervisor Sue Novasel recused herself. Supervisor Sheva Frentzen then made a motion to approve Santiago. No one seconded it so the motion failed.
The item had been on the consent calendar. Veerkamp pulled it.
The seat on the 16-member board remains vacant. The three-year term expires at the end of the year.
Santiago isn’t done with politics. She is contemplating running for the 4th Congressional District seat occupied by Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Garden Valley.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report
She SHOULD be done with politics!
For eight years Norma was allegedly representing us in Placerville. Norma’s lawsuit against the County, demanding more money and back pay for herself, was an act of betrayal. It is now clear she cannot be trusted.