Smoke filling basin from fire outside the area
Smoke is clouding the skies of Lake Tahoe, and there is a distinct wildland fire smell as well.
There is no fire in the basin.
The smoke is from fires south of Tahoe
For people with low tolerance for smoke, authorities suggest taking the following precautions:
• Stay indoors as much as possible, especially seniors and children. Avoid physical exertion.
• Close windows, doors, and outside vents. Use a fan or air conditioner to re-circulate the air. Ventilate your home and work place during periods when it is least smoky.
• Drink lots of water, eat a balanced diet, and get adequate rest. Good health strengthens your immune system.
• Wearing paper masks will generally not protect your lungs from wildland fire smoke.
• Be diligent about taking medicines prescribed by your doctor if you have pre-existing respiratory problems.