Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      Rotary Club of South Lake Tahoe’s second annual Rotary Hootenanny is Aug. 19, 3-7pm at Lake Tahoe Golf Course in Meyers. Tickets are $50 for unlimited beer and food tasting.  

·      Starting Oct. 1 it will cost more money to record documents in Douglas County.

·      On Aug. 7, Douglas High grad Zack Hickman was sworn in as a deputy for Douglas County Sheriff’s Office.       

·      Truckee’s Glenshire Devonshire Residents Association is considering adopting regulations that would limit short-term rentals.

·      On Aug. 23, Six Peaks Grille at the Resort at Squaw Creek will host a wine dinner featuring Schramsberg Vineyard. For more info or to make a reservation, call 530.581.6610.