Tahoe artists uniting for a common cause

The Tahoe Activist Artists’ exhibit We the People: Tahoe Artists Visualize a World of Conversation and Connection will be Sept. 9, 4-8pm at the Tahoe Mountain Lab in South Lake Tahoe.

Art, live music, film, hands-on activities for kids and artist presentations will be part of the free event. Food and beverages will be available, and a silent auction will take place.

The Tahoe Activist Artists is a community of multidisciplinary artists who formed in response to the current social and political climate to explore a more compassionate world. More than a dozen creators will show paintings, photographs, letterpress, video and illustrations detailing each artist’s response to recent events. Artists presenting their work include Shelley Zentner, Anthony Capaiuolo, Ana Valdez, Daphne Osell, Michele McLean, Tahoe Letterpress and singer-songwriter Addison Liming.

A panel of artists will discuss their process at a moderated talk at 6:30pm. A video collaboration between Zentner and Capaiuolo, “Art & Science in an Age of Unreason,” will be screened during the event. The silent auction will begin at 7pm; in addition to featuring the work on display, a painting by artist Phyllis Shafer will be auctioned with proceeds going to local organizations.

In partnership with ­­­­the High Vibe Society, A March for a Compassionate World will begin at the corner of Highway 50 and Third Street in South Lake Tahoe on Sept. 9 at 3pm and end at the exhibit. The public is invited to participate.

For more info, go online.