TKPOA-Lahontan working on herbicide permit

Tahoe Keys Property Owners Association is progressing with its plans to test herbicides next summer to rid the lagoons of invasive weeds.

The application to the Lahontan Water Quality Control Board was just resubmitted. That agency will have ultimate say over whether this will be allowed.

“It was resubmitted just to reorganize materials to address Lahontan staff questions; no substantive changes to the proposal itself,” Greyson Howard, spokesman for TKPOA, told Lake Tahoe News.

Curly leaf pondweed and Eurasian watermilfoil have taken over more than 90 percent of the 172-acre Tahoe Keys lagoon system. They have spread to other parts of the lake as well. This is usually done by boats.

The Keys wants to test nearly 14 acres with the chemical.

There is no date set when the Lahontan board will take up the matter. If Lahontan allows this, it will be the first time an herbicide has been permitted in the lake.

The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Governing Board is expected to hear an update on all of this on Aug. 23.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report