Letter: Who is getting Kings Beach events center?

To the community,

Unbelievably, the NTPUD board voted 3 to 2 to lease the North Tahoe Event Center for 70 years to an LLC whose members were unknown as of the signing. Wow! 

No concern about protecting the public interest there. At least, Sue Daniels and Tim Ferrell recognized the potential problems with this weird agreement. They stood up to the desperate atmosphere that pervaded the final discussions.

The rest of the board seemed to be saying that the entire future of Kings Beach rested with this wild Hail Mary, and that anyone not joining in on the lease was digging the grave for Kings Beach. 

My advice, given that the board has gone into this long-term marriage not knowing whom they’re marrying, nor what their marital partner has in mind following the signing ceremony, nor their partner’s financial strength is: watch for the first hiccup which seems to run contrary to the lease or oral representations leading up to the signing.

I hope I’m wrong and that this lease proves the three pro-signing directors right even though the ill-conceived deal has not gotten off on an equal footing so far. Time will tell. 

Ann Nichols, North Tahoe Preservation Alliance