Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      El Dorado County Board of Supervisors is scheduled on Sept. 19 to approve the 2017-18 $569 million operating budget.

·      The 55th annual North Tahoe PTO Ski Swap & Pumpkin Festival returns to Homewood Mountain Resort on Oct. 21 from 11am-4pm.

·      Placer County Board of Supervisors will consider adoption of the county’s 2017-18 final budget at the Sept. 19 meeting in Auburn.

·      Here are the El Dorado-Tahoe and Sierra roadwork schedules from Caltrans for the next week.

·      The Alpine Aspen Festival is a celebration of the beauty and vital role of aspen groves in providing clean water to millions of Californians and Nevadans. This year’s festival will include educational hikes, artist workshops, conservation projects, music, and more. It will be Oct. 7-8, 9am-4pm on Blue Lakes Road off Highway 88.