DCSD considers options besides selling KMS

Douglas County School District’s board of education wants professional input regarding what do with the shuttered Kingsbury Middle School site.

While the district is in the process of getting it reappraised, and that information should be available by the end of the month, selling the property might not be the only option.

When the board met Oct. 10 staff was directed to find a real estate consultant who could help with exploring alternatives.

“They talked about whether the district should enter the rezoning process to see if would make the property more marketable,” Superintendent Teri White told Lake Tahoe News.

As it stands now, any new owner would have to go through the regulatory process to have it zoned for their intended purpose.

There’s also the possibility the district could retain ownership and lease the property to someone. This would be dependent on the income covering the district’s liability and other expenses.

KMS is likely to be back on the November agenda, as the appraisal should be available the. At that time the board is expected to vote to put the property back on the market.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report