Incline honoring part-time resident who died in Vegas
Stacee Etcheber, who was a part-time resident of Incline Village, died in the gun rampage in Las Vegas. She was 50.
In honor of her memory, the annual United Blood Services and Incline Village Recreation Center blood drive on Oct. 13 is being dedicated in her memory.

Stacee Etcheber
The community remembers Stacee as a loving wife, dedicated mother and loyal, caring friend.
SFPD Police Chief William Scott on the department’s Facebook page said, “Stacee was taken in a senseless act of violence as her husband, SFPD Officer Vinnie Etcheber, heroically rushed to aid shooting victims in Las Vegas on Sunday. Stacee was a beloved mother of two young children and a well-loved hair stylist in Marin County. As we grieve, we ask the public to keep the Etcheber family in their thoughts, along with all the victims of this tragic incident.”
Stacee was a master hair stylist, having worked in Novato for more than 20 years.
The San Francisco Chronicle wrote, “She was tough, her family said, someone who knew how to pull horse trailers with a truck, a real cowgirl as well as a devoted soccer mom. She was a hairstylist who took care of her husband’s aging parents and someone the grocery store clerk remembered as funny and kind, even after seeing her just a few times.”
Stacee was one of 59 people who died in the country’s worst mass shooting, where more than 500 others were injured.
A GoFundMe account has been set up for the family. She is survived by her husband, a 12-year-old daughter and 10-year-old son.
The blood drive in Stacee’s name will be from 8am-4pm in the gymnasium of the Incline Village Recreation Center, 980 Incline Way in Incline Village.
United Blood Services reports that Las Vegas is currently doing well with their blood supply; however, they are concerned that in the wake of this event, they will see a tremendous response at first, then a dip in donations in the weeks to come. In emergencies, it is the blood on the shelves that save lives.
To schedule an appointment, call 800.696.4484 or go online. Use sponsor code INCLINEREC.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report