Letter: Plenty of reasons to vote no on Measure C
To the community,
Basic expenses. We all know what those are: rent, food, utilities and clothing. In a city, basic expenses would be roads, snow removal, police and fire.
A recent staff report stated that the city has seen an “increase in property, sales and transient occupancy taxes.”

Gerri Grego
So why do they need more for “basic expenses” and why has the basic service of road work over the years not been completed? I believe it is because it has not been their priority.
Did you know that according to a recent staff report that we pay annually for 400 retirees and 200 employees? The report goes on to say that CalPERS “will severely impact the city’s net fund balance and restrict the City Council’s discretionary spending.” Over the next five years the CalPERS payment will increase from $4,774,596 per year to $9,699,000.
It goes on to say that CalPERS “will severely limit the ability of the city to fund its general services, manage cost increases for supplies and goods, direct resources to capital projects.”
In a recent meeting, a councilman was asked why road improvements were not in the recently approved budget. His answer was that they wait untul spring to see how much money is left before deciding what work can be done. Does that sound like a priority to you?
How about $75,000 paid by the city for a VHR study or spending $50,000 a year on SnowGlobe to bring up tourists on a holiday? Or how about all the money the city is spending to “educate the public” as to Measure C and the cost of a special election.
Consider the precedent if C passes — first road tax, then fire tax, then police tax.
Let’s not encourage misdirected priorities of public funds. Vote no on Measure C.
Gerri Grego, South Lake Tahoe