Letter: Reasons for a yes on Measure C
To the community,
I have lived in South Lake Tahoe for 37 years and hope to live in this amazing place for many more years to come. In that time I have not always been pleased with the way our city has spent its tax revenues, but in the last several years I believe there has been a concerted effort to control spending and to provide better oversight in the way these funds are used. That’s why I am supporting Measure C.
Measure C will provide most of the funds necessary to repair our pothole filled roads without taking funds from other much needed areas of our city budget. The oversight built into Measure C will insure that the one-half percent sales tax revenue increase will be spent only for this very critical and needed road maintenance. This one-half percent sales tax increase will provide an opportunity for our tourists to pay about 75 percent of our road repair costs.
Tourists are the reason that many of us can live in this incredibly beautiful place, but they also put a heavy strain on our infrastructure. This slight tax increase helps us take care of our road repair needs with only about 25 percent of the cost coming out of our pockets. We need good safe roads for our families and our visitors and also to reduce erosion that could spoil our beautiful lake.
Measure C spreads the cost of road repairs fairly among all those who use the roads to enjoy the splendor of Lake Tahoe. Measure C makes sense for the future of South Lake Tahoe and its citizens.
Most sincerely,
Paul Bruso, South Lake Tahoe