Snippets about Lake Tahoe
· “The Life Aquatic” will be shown for free Oct 19 at 6:30pm in the TADA Viewing Room at South Tahoe High School. Discussion will follow.
· Liberty Utilities is planning an outage for parts of Meyers on Oct. 18 from 9am to 4pm to replace a pole in the Blitzen and Colusa area.
· South Lake Tahoe’s Steve Kubby has signed an agreement for his firm Kubby Cryogenics to partner with International Endeavor Corporation. Kubby will become the CEO of IEC.
· Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce is having a mixer Oct. 26 from 5-7:30pm at Lake Tahoe AleWorX in South Lake Tahoe.
· Here is the Sierra roadwork schedule for the week from Caltrans.