How climate change is affecting California
By Christopher Cadelago, Sacramento Bee
California could one day be uninhabitable. Fire. Heat. Floods. Infestation. Disease. Suffering.
Scientists have for years warned about the ravaging consequences of a warming planet. Decamping for the 23rd session of the Conference of the Parties to the U.N. Convention on Climate Change, California academics and political leaders were mulling how to better deploy the distressing projections to give unwary citizens a better understanding of what’s at stake and compel them to see the wisdom of embracing sustainability.
“This is bad stuff. It doesn’t get any worse,” Gov. Jerry Brown lamented to scientists, religious and political leaders in Europe ahead of the conference. “The threat is profound. It will alter human civilization. It’s not decades away. It’s closer than you think,” the Democratic governor added later.
Maybe Brown shouldn’t have invited the world to settle in CA. Of course this article is nonsense but these so-called scientists will say or write anything to get a fat government grant paid for by the overburdened taxpayer.
Have they no shame?
PS Nice paid for trip to Europe by the taxpayer.