Letter: Casino crew helps at Bread & Broth
To the community,
HEROs, the employee organization at Harrah’s/Harveys casino resorts, hosted Bread & Broth’s Monday meal on Oct. 30 through their sponsorship of an Adopt A Day of Nourishment.
B&B’s Adopt A Day program provides individuals, businesses and organizations the opportunity to participate in hosting a hot and filling meal which provides nourishment and a welcoming and safe environment to any community member who attends a Monday meal at St. Theresa Grace Hall.
The HEROs are a familiar sponsor organization; hosting two Adopt A Days annually, and always sending a sponsor crew that is thoroughly professional, compassionate and a pleasure to work with.
At the Oct. 30meal, the HEROs were represented by returning volunteers Jackie Andrews, Jeff Colamecu and Darlene Winkelman. The newbie volunteer for the HEROs was Brad Budd and he jumped right in just like an experienced volunteer.
“It is far more rewarding to serve those in need directly,” commented Budd. “In the past we have donated items or funds, however, working with the Bread & Broth team as well as helping our community is very impactful.”
B&B would like to thank the Harrah’s/Harveys HEROs for their generous donation of $250 and partnering with us in volunteering their time and energy to bring food and fellowship to our community members in need.
Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth