Letter: Why Measure C makes sense
To the community,
I’m voting for Measure C because South Lake Tahoe needs a reliable and transparent way to fund road maintenance and improvement. Last winter was illustration enough for me. After I hit a pothole on Pioneer Trail during a snowstorm, I had no other option than to spend $800 for new tires if I was going to drive my children to school and get to work. In the summer months, I watched as the asphalt wore down from thousands of tires coming in from out of town every week. As the tourists leave, we are left with cracks and splits and holes.
Road work is costly and ongoing. Our current city budget does not fund road repairs. This means that we are using discretionary funds to maintain our roads. Another big winter could mean that we cut other city departments to fix potholes. Measure C gives us a way to share the cost of this road work with the thousands of tourists that visit us annually and use our roads: the small Measure C sales tax will provide a consistent source of revenue for fixing and maintaining the roads. By setting up an independent oversight committee and management authority, Measure C funds will only be used for our roads.
We need a two-thirds vote to pass Measure C so get out to vote. And if you don’t vote for Measure C, will you pay for my next set of tires?
Vote yes on Measure C.
Annie Davidson, South Lake Tahoe