Letter: People of Calif. deserve a voice
To the community,
Liberals have a history of justifying their socialistic/communistic philosophy, because it is “for the good of all.” This is perhaps why the Democrat/progressives in Sacramento do not feel compelled to put gas tax increases or other legislation before a vote of the people.
Only they the powerful know what is best for we the people. This is why I was not surprised that [Gov. Jerry] Brown lied in his 2012 re-election bid, when he vowed he would not raise any new taxes without a vote of the people. And, surprise, surprise; no, your new gas tax dollars will not all be going to repair roads, bridges, etc.
On Nov. 1 our wallets felt a little lighter due to the new 12 to 20 cent gas tax increases, and we have yet to receive our new vehicle registration fees that are expected to increase by $100 to $175 per vehicle, per year. Further sticker shock will come when we see how these new taxes will affect what we pay for in goods (food) and services. But wait, there is more to come from Brown and his liberal friends. CARB is expected to increase gas prices another 73 cents per gallon.
Brown fell short on his promise of not raising new taxes without a vote of the people, but it looks like he will fulfill his promise of 2015 when he previewed his “California Climate Change Scoping Plan: 2030 Target,” warning, his (Brown’s) “climate fight will cost trillions of dollars, disrupting lifestyles.”
According to a poll by the University of California, Berkeley, 74 percent of Californians said they opposed sanctuary cities, counties and the state. Also, opposing SB54, is the California State Sheriff’s Association, where at their recent conference, Sen.Pro Tem Kevin Deleon agreed that SB54 (Sanctuary State) is “bad law, but it is good politics.” So, sheriff’s and safety of citizens matter not?
During his testimony before the Senate Safety Commission for DeLeon’s SB54 Bill, he said, “half of my family would be deported under Trump’s executive order, because they got a false social security card, they got a false identification card, they got a false drivers license.” So, the law matters not?
We in El Dorado County have lost two residents, due to the policies of liberal voters, Gov. Brown and his cohorts in Sacramento. Sheriff’s Deputy Danny Oliver was killed in 2015 by an illegal immigrant who had been arrested four times and deported twice. Also, killed was Placer County Detective Michael Davis. This year, sheriff’s Deputy Pat French was killed by an early release prisoner as a result of Prop. 57.
Our sheriff’s take an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution. Sanctuary State Jurisdiction hamstrings law enforcement. The passage of AB109, Prop. 47 and Prop. 57, allows for greater risks to the lives of both citizens and law enforcement officers, who everyday, diligently do their jobs to protect their communities.
Progressives (DeLeon, etc.) are mortgaging your families future. Gas taxes are through the roof. Counties, cities and special districts budgets are being depleted due to the $l.4 trillion in unfunded liabilities in CalPERS and billions unfunded in the California State Teachers Retirement fund. While most of the country’s economy is improving, it was recently reported that California’s is beginning to slip.
It’s time to pay attention and be engaged. In a few weeks, the petition to Repeal the Gas Tax will begin circulating. Campaigning for the 2018 statewide election has already begun. And, if you like Brown, you are sure to love Democrat candidate Gavin Newsom, whose campaign has already received donations from George Soros, one of the Progressive Party’s king pins.
Terry Gherardi, Cameron Park
Thanks Terry for saying what needs to be said.
Evil is alive a well in Sacramento.