U.S. Olympic snowboard outfits inspired by NASA

By Marissa Payne, Washington Post

One small step for man, one giant quad cork 1800 for mankind.

While Team USA’s Olympic snowboarders will only need to travel to PyeongChang, South Korea, to compete in next year’s Games, they’ll look ready to go to the moon thanks to Burton’s astronaut-inspired uniforms. Unveiled Thursday, the uniforms appear predominantly white with red detailing and feature what looks to be a NASA-inspired logo.

“This is the fourth Olympic uniform that Burton and myself have had the distinct pleasure of working on,” the head designer for Burton’s Olympic division, Greg Dacyshyn, said in a statement. “Like the previous three which had a retro inspired influence, the 2018 theme is also a heavy nod to Americana, because its main influence is the iconic suits of the United States’ leading space exploration program.”

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