Letter: Frustrated with noise from SnowGlobe

To the community,

It’s 10:30pm (Dec. 29)and it sounds like SnowGlobe is in the living room of my home along the Bijou Meadow. Unfortunately, the only part of the concert we can hear is the incessant bass overlaid by what sounds like a huge swarm of bees–even the most ardent percussionist would not call it music.

On Friday evening my wife and I took our regular walk through the Bijou neighborhoods around 5pm and walked past Councilmember Tom Davis’ home just as Tom was going to his car. We’ve known each other over the years so we talked for a moment about SnowGlobe, which was pretty loud at his house, too, and he said he was heading to the college to talk to the promoter about the excess volume. I really appreciate Tom’s willingness to listen to me and any effort he made on behalf of our neighborhood. Unfortunately, after the first of very loud noise it seems he wasn’t very successful.

I invite any residents, and especially city leaders, to come to our neighborhood, or any neighborhood within a quarter mile of SnowGlobe and hear what we hear.

Most of the folks in our neighborhood, the Ranchos, are longtime residents and have supported the development quality projects in SLT, including LTCC and Bijou Park, and we are not ignorant of the value tourists provide to our community. However, we have continued to live here because we believe in a quality lifestyle. Any of us living in a resort community expect some inconvenience throughout the year, but SnowGlobe is far beyond being simply disruptive.

It is time that our city leaders work with residents to either dramatically modify this event of find a venue that is appropriate for it.

Rich Fischer has had a home bordering the Bijou Meadow for 27 years. He served as the superintendent of Lake Tahoe Unified School District from 1989 through 1997 and currently serves on the El Dorado County School Board.