McClintock bill would allow bikes in wilderness areas

Efforts to allow bicycles in wilderness areas are moving forward in Congress.

Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Elk Grove, introduced a bill to alter the Wilderness Act.

 The House Natural Resources Committee on Dec. 13 voted to pass HR1349.

“Bicycles were allowed in wilderness areas from the inception of the act in 1964 until 1977, when the Forest Service reinterpreted the act to ban them,” McClintock said at the Natural Resources Committee hearing.

One of the principal objectives McClintock has set as chairman of the subcommittee on Federal Lands is to restore public access to the public lands. The bill would restore to federal land managers the option to permit non-motorized mountain bikes, adaptive cycles, strollers and game-carts in wilderness areas where their use is compatible with the environment, trail conditions and existing uses.

The bill now goes to the House floor.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report