WIC program helping women, young kids

Finding healthy foods on a limited budget can sometimes be challenging. The Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program is a federally funded nutrition program for women and young children.

WIC provides nutrition education and health information, breastfeeding support, checks for healthy foods (like fruits and vegetables), and referrals to medical providers and community services. There is no charge to receive WIC services.

Individuals or families may qualify for WIC services if they:

  • Are pregnant, breastfeeding a baby up to 1 year old, or had a baby in the past six months
  • Are the primary caretakers of a child under the age of 5
  • Have a low to medium income and/or receive Medi-Cal, CalWORKs (TANF) or CalFresh (Food Stamps) benefits
  • Live in California.

To determine eligibility, go online.

Staff at the WIC Program in El Dorado County may be reached at 530.573.3491 or 530.621.6176.