Comments sought on Stateline event center

The Tahoe Douglas Visitor’s Authority and Tahoe Regional Planning Agency are seeking scoping comments on the proposed Tahoe South Events Center in Stateline.

The events center would be a publicly-owned assembly, event, and entertainment venue located on Highway 50 where the current parking lot of MontBleu is.

Edgewood Companies owns the parcels it would be built on.

TDVA will be responsible for the planning, construction, and eventual operation of the events center.

A subdivision of land consistent with TRPA policies is anticipated for the purpose of conveying the newly created parcel to TDVA. The newly created parcel will function completely independent from the Edgewood Companies parcels through the acquisition of utility and access easements necessary for the events center to operate as a standalone facility.

The events center is estimated to be a 88,420 square foot building.

Comments are due Feb. 5. For more info, contact Paul Nielsen at 530.318-6025 or

More info is available online.