Letter: Fed up with VHRs in S. Lake Tahoe
To the community,
I bought a home in the 1600 block of Venice Drive in the Tahoe Keys in 2005 and moved to beautiful Tahoe. I knew nothing about VHRs.
There are at least eight of them on my block. Most full-time owners have moved away because of them. This New Year’s all of them were full and all of the renters lit firecrackers, cherry bombs and rockets off for 20 minutes.
I hate living in this town.
The Napa City Council call us the South Lake Tahoe vacation home rental ghetto.
I want to move, but I can’t sell my home without loosing $300,000 to $400,000. People are not buying here because of the VHRs no matter what the rental agents and Realtors are saying. The renters are coming here to party and the owners and agents are renting there R1 zoned homes to make money. They care nothing about the people who live here.
The city has to make more changes against VHRs, but I think I am stuck here where I hate living because of all the noise from them.
Joe Sinnott, South Lake Tahoe