Letter: Make your voice heard regarding SnowGlobe

To the community,

I want to thank all of you for your support and empathy. Over the last few days I have gotten handshakes, hugs, phone calls and kudos from both friends and strangers. I appreciate that you let me know that you have the same opinion toward SnowGlobe that I do.

Again, while I appreciate you letting me know, our best bet is to let the City Council and city manager know. Below are the emails of your elected officials. Please let them know how you feel — yay or nay.

We just have to be louder than SnowGlobe.


Nancy Kerry: nkerry@cityofslt.us
Tom Davis: tdavis@cityofslt.us
Austin Sass: asass@cityofslt.us
Brooke Laine: laine@cityofslt.us
Jason Collin: jcollin@cityofslt.us
Wendy David: wdavid@cityofslt.us

Again, let them know.

John Spinola, South Lake Tahoe