Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      Truckee Fire is encouraging residents to adopt a hydrant, which means clearing it of snow. For more info, email

·      South Lake Tahoe Fire Rescue’s annual awards will be Jan. 29, 5pm in council chambers at Lake Tahoe Airport.

·      Here are the El Dorado-Tahoe and Sierra roadwork schedules for the week from Caltrans.

·      Human resources expert Laura Moriarty will be conducting a workshop Feb. 21 about the steps people can take to prevent sexual harassment, retaliation, and bullying in the workplace. It will be from noon-1pm at the Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce office in Stateline. Cost is $10 for members, $20 for others. For more info, go online.   

·      Carson Valley Middle School eighth-grader Jacob Pipho, from Carson City, placed first in the National Radon Poster Contest, after taking home first place in the Nevada Radon Poster Contest. He competed against student winners from several other states and will receive $1,000 for his poster “The Element of Surprise.”