STMS students learn through making

Teacher Jackie Tan and a roller coaster students made. Photo/LTN

By Lake Tahoe News

Jackie Tan’s class at South Tahoe Middle School might be the only one where failure is encouraged, even rewarded.

“It’s normal to encounter failure. We work through things,” Tan said.

When something goes awry in class the students are encouraged to learn from their mistakes by trying again, and perhaps again.

Journaling is part of the learning. Students record what worked and didn’t; using the information to document the process.

Tan and a handful of seventh-graders presented to the Lake Tahoe Unified School District board last week about the school’s Maker Lab. This is a blending of science, technology, engineering, math and art – or STEAM.

Right now it is a standalone class, but what Tan would like to do is incorporate it into the curriculum. After all, STEAM crosses into the academic spectrum.

Electricity is one of the main things the students work with. Coding is something they all learn.

Through grants Tan has been able to buy more equipment and tools for the class for the students to use. One thing she is looking to do is purchase a new 3D printer because what they use now is rather dated.

The other thing Tan is working on is getting more girls to participate in the Makers Lab.