USFS wants input on OHV grant applications
The Eldorado National Forest will be submitting applications for Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) Cooperative Funds for the 2017-18 grant cycle.
The gorest is developing preliminary applications to the Off Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR) Division which includes a strong emphasis on trail maintenance and repair, law enforcement across the four Ranger Districts, printing and distribution of the motor vehicle use maps, restoration of impacted areas, planning, and education.
There will be an open house Feb. 6 from 4-7pm to discuss the proposed preliminary grant applications. It will be at the Eldorado National Forest Supervisor’s Office, 100 Forni Road, Placerville.
Once completed, the preliminary grant applications will be available on the OHMVR website from March 6-April 2. To review the grant applications submitted go online.
The public may provide comments by emailing both Michelle Zuro-Kreimer at and carbon copying the OHMVR Division at