FBI offering academy for high school juniors

The Federal Bureau of Investigation Sacramento Field Office is putting on a Teen Academy for high school juniors attending class within the 34 counties the office serves.

The full-day academy will be March 23 at FBI Sacramento Field Office headquarters in Roseville. There is no cost to attend.

Applications are available online. The deadline to apply is Feb. 22, 4pm.

The FBI Teen Academy offers students a unique view into the FBI and its mission, values, investigations, and partnerships with local, state and federal law enforcement. Discussion topics may include cyber safety, terrorism, active shooter situations, cyber investigations, and civil rights investigations. Activities may include simulated experiences with the FBI’s evidence response team, special agent bomb technicians, and the firearms training system room.

Students also engage in candid conversations about online communication and its risks as well as lifestyle choices required to be eligible for careers at the FBI with FBI personnel.