Plastic wine bottles an option for the outdoors
By Mike Pomranz, Food & Wine
We can be honest with ourselves: The glass wine bottle is more about tradition than logic. Glass is heavy. It’s breakable. And though it’s recyclable, the bottle’s weight and shape come with its own carbon footprint issues.
Glass wine bottles clearly have a few problems—but is one of them that glass makes it a pain to take wine on a hike? And would that finally convince you to try out wine sold in a plastic bottle?
Packaging giant Amcor announced it would be showcasing its line of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic wine bottles at the Unified Wine & Grape Symposium.
Though the lighter, less breakable packaging is often touted for its environmental benefits, this time around, Amcor took another, somewhat odd approach, pushing plastic wine bottles as an option for the active wine drinker.