Letter: Barton crews serves at Bread & Broth
To the community,
Sponsoring their first Bread & Broth Adopt A Day of Nourishment on Feb. 26, Barton’s pharmacy department sent a wonderful group of young health care professionals to help with the sponsorship dinner. Acting on behalf of their fellow pharmacy department members were Cathy Deering, Jeff Koeck, Chrissy Robertson and Celeste Taormina.
According to Dana Tucker, B&B’s sponsor crew coordinator, “This wonderful group did an amazing job. They wanted to help with everything and anything. They loved working with the dinner guests and had a smile on their faces the entire evening.”
The opportunity to participate and bring food and fellowship to the Monday diners is always a rewarding experience and for the pharmacy department members the evening was just an extension of their caring and concern for those who are experiencing difficult life situations.
“We enjoyed coming and meeting the community” said Robertson. “The people we served were so grateful of us being here. Thank you for inviting us to come and help support at our sponsorship dinner.”
B&B is also grateful to have the support of the Barton pharmacy department for our mission of easing hunger and their important service in our community.
Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth