Letter: Soroptimist takes high road with Edgewood


To the community,

It is with great disappointment that Soroptimist International of South Lake Tahoe has been informed its partnership with Edgewood Tahoe, during the annual American Century Celebrity Golf Tournament, has come to an end.

Since the very beginning of the tournament, now 28 years ago, Soroptimist and Edgewood have enjoyed a mutual partnership that allowed our members to run, staff and serve the patrons of the celebrity golf tournament through the food concession tents. We have taken great pride in this role, volunteering over 2,500 hours per year and raising valuable funds that go back into our community.   

Under the previous Edgewood management, Soroptimist was a trusted and valued partner. We have served countless hot dogs and beverages over our tenure, worked thousands of volunteer shifts and enjoyed a relationship that entrusted us to manage an important facet of guest services.

It is a relationship in which we have taken a great amount of pride and we are grateful to have so many fond memories from over the years. It has also evolved into one of our biggest fundraisers of the year, supporting our community grant and scholarship programs. 

Soroptimist International of South Lake Tahoe’s mission is to serve women and children in our community. We regret that Edgewood, under its current management, will no longer be a partner in our work to support our mission.

We have so enjoyed serving you, our community and visitors, during the golf tournament over the years. We thank all of the community volunteers who have offered their time and talents to participate in this event with us, including our sister club Soroptimist International of Tahoe Sierra.  The camaraderie along with the love, work, sweat and tears poured into running the concessions will always be remembered by our members and will be a part of our club’s history. 

Over the past year Soroptimist International of South Lake Tahoe awarded 22 scholarships to high school and college students, provided 15 cash grants to community organizations working with women and youth and supported international efforts in partnership with Hope 4 Women International. We are also building a long-term project fund that will make an even bigger positive impact in our community. We look forward to continuing this important work.

With gratitude to our community, visitors and friends,

Pam Barrett, president Soroptimist International of South Lake Tahoe


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Comments (5)
  1. Diana Hamilton says - Posted: March 17, 2018

    This is an enormous financial loss to our community.

  2. The Irish Wahini says - Posted: March 17, 2018

    The Soroptomists obviously helped build up the Celebrity Golf Tournement at Edgewood with their passionate participation with the food concessions for charity. The Corporate Crap Coalition Corporation raises it’s greedy head and “so goes the neighborhood” charity! Shame on you Edgewood — you just dropped your high regarded position to the bottom rung – and raised your corporate position to the top of the Hall of Shame.

  3. Pamella says - Posted: March 17, 2018

    It is so sad to see EDGEWOOD go the way of the dogs. The new management team has taken all their employees for granted canceling employees meals and treating long time employees like second class citizens. Corinna specifically has made it clear that she doesn’t cair for her employees or the Lake Tahoe community by ending long standing relationships with 3 local charities. Probably the worst manager in the basin. It will be interesting to see how long EDGEWOOD makes it turning locals ( the only sustainable business away). #theedgewoodway

  4. Barbara kruger says - Posted: March 17, 2018

    It’s a curious situation. I just recently learned that most of the workers, (at least 450) at the celebrity golf tournament have historically been unpaid volunteers. Actually about 350 of the “volunteers” actually PAY $70 for the honor of working the tournament. Far more than the price of a ticket. The notion that Edgewood is PROFITTING, or indeed doing anything more than covering its cost is something to be questioned. They haven’t “donated” anything to the community via this event , the people who worked for free have donated everything.
    Lets take this opportunity to re-evaluate the status of Edgewood in our community, and lets stop supporting their businesses. It only seems right.

  5. Mary Lou Whitcomb says - Posted: March 25, 2018

    As a Soroptimist, I never PAID to volunteer. I don’t know where you got that information. It is not correct. However, all of our money raised does go to benefit our community. ALL OF IT!