OHV programs in Nevada to be upgraded

The Nevada Commission on Off-Highway Vehicles has awarded $1,290,293 to 28 off-highway vehicle projects and initiatives in the state. 

Funding comes from the registration fees of off-highway vehicles in Nevada. The program provides grants to fund OHV related projects throughout Nevada, including trail improvements, mapping, signage, law enforcement, education, safety training, restoration, and other projects.

Projects funded in 2018 include:

  • Avalanche training, statewide;
  • Signing of motorized trails in Gold Butte National Monument, Clark County, and in the Boundary Peak area, Esmeralda County;
  • OHV management plans for Prison Hill in Carson City, and Shoshone Trail south of Battle Mountain, Lander County;
  • Trail maintenance and signing throughout the Ruby Mountains, and near Jarbidge and Mountain City, Elko County, as well as the Ranger Trail in the Schell Creek Range, White Pine County;
  • Studies and reconstruction of the flood damaged Kings Canyon Road, Carson City, in partnership with federal funding;
  • Multiple law enforcement, search and rescue, and education grants throughout Nevada.