Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      The El Dorado County Board of Supervisors on March 13 are expected to vote whether to add Barton Health to the Cal-Tahoe board of directors, which oversees the ambulance service on the South Shore.

·      The Diamond Peak Uphill/Downhill Dash is being expanded into a full weekend of fun, March 30-April 1. Race to the top of the mountain using whatever human-powered method you prefer: skins, snowshoes, running shoes, etc. Then ski, snowboard, snowshoe, or run back down to the finish line. For those of a less competitive nature, a recreational course will be available.

·      The 13th annual Tahoe Symphony Orchestra Winter Fest starts March 25. For details, go online.

·      Lake Tahoe Historical Society’s fireside chat speaker is Jan Loverin who will talk about A Brief History of Underwear. The event is March 13 at 7pm at the lodge at Camp Richardson. It is free for members, $3 for others.

·      Lake Tahoe Unified School District’s board of education on March 13 is expected to approve a 1 percent raise for all district employees retroactive to July 1, 2017.