Snippets about Lake Tahoe
· Lake Valley Fire Protection District will be hosting its 3rd annual Community Easter Egg Hunt on April 1 at 10am at Tahoe Paradise Park in Meyers. There will be 10,000 eggs. Find golden eggs to win a prize. Call 530.577.3737 for more information.
· There will be a blood drive at Whittell High School on March 20 from 8:30am-2pm in the gym. Sign up online.
· “Musical Comedy Murders of 1940” will be staged at South Tahoe High School on March 23-25 and March 29-31. The Sunday show is at 2pm, the rest are at 7pm. Tickets are available online.
· Bob Leri, superintendent of Tahoe Truckee Unified School District, will give the state of the district address on March 20, 5:30pm at Olympic Village Lodge in Squaw Valley.
· Tahoe Fund and Tahoe Water Suppliers Association raised $52,000 for the Tahoe Resource Conservation District to purchase at least 150 bottom barriers, and other necessary supplies, for the control of aquatic invasive species at Lake Tahoe.