Snippets about Lake Tahoe
· Tahoe Regional Planning Agency is making a planner available one day a week in Incline Village to accept and review permit applications to ensure projects in the Washoe County portion of the Lake Tahoe Basin comply with TRPA regulations. Bridget Cornell will work out of the Incline Village Community Center at 855 Alder Ave. each Thursday from 9am-4pm, closed fromm noon-1pm. Cornell may be reached at 775.589.5218 or
· The $5,000 grant from the Lahontan Community Fund has aided the Humane Society of Truckee-Tahoe to adopt out the healthiest pets possible. The money allowed HSTT to achieve its goal of disease testing, medically treating, vaccinating and performing sterilization surgeries on every pet that is stray, abandoned or relinquished within our community.
· Here is the Sierra roadwork schedule from Caltrans for the week.
· Bertheria Grady, 55, of El Dorado Hills has been appointed chief deputy director of the California Office of Tax Appeals.