Snippets about Lake Tahoe
· Based on recent precipitation, the annual closure of dirt roads in Eldorado National Forest has been extended to April 15.
· To help celebrate National Library Week, Amelia Bedelia will be at the Douglas County Public Library in Minden on April 14 at 11am. Bedelia is a very literal literary character, and she is often up to mischief. Families are invited to watch her wacky antics as she tries to “change” the towels and “dust” the furniture. Carol Nageotte will perform as this children’s book character.
· Douglas County Public Library in Minden is having a children’s book swap April 14 from 10am-3pm. Children may bring a gently used book from home and trade it for another book in the swap.
· Liberty Utilities’ business offices in Tahoe Vista and South Lake Tahoe will be closed April 10 so employees may attend customer service training.
· Douglas County is having an open house April 11 from 6-8pm at the commissioners’ chambers in Minden to preview the new election equipment and electronic poll books.