Audit: EDC financial statements all in order

El Dorado County’s financial statements received a clean opinion from independent auditors.

According to county Auditor Joe Harn, this means “the public can be confident that the county’s financial reporting is accurate, reliable, and transparent.”

The audited financial statements, management discussion and analysis, and other information related to the independent audit are online.

The audit was conducted by the certified public accounting firm of Maze & Associates.

The annual audit committee consists of two county supervisors and members of the Grand Jury. The CAO  participates in an advisory capacity.

“The best government transparency involves placing all financial information online in a readily understandable manner,” Harn said. “Government transparency allows taxpayers to see how our county is spending tax money, and gives El Dorado County citizens the ability to hold us accountable. The internet is a great place to enhance transparency.”


— Lake Tahoe News staff report