Douglas County explorers excel at competition
Douglas County sheriff’s explorers participated earned 15 trophies out of 19 events at the Central Valley Law Enforcement Explorer Competition.
They took the overall award, out-preforming the long standing first-place holders Hanford Police Department. They received three first place awards: in building search, team obstacle, and Individual Obstacle.
Fallon Montanucci was awarded a laptop computer as her scholarship prize for oral interview.
The 13 explorer posts competed April 6-7 in Tulare.
Exploring provides vocational training and experience to youths ages 14-20 who have a desire to learn about law enforcement or the military.
Competing were Cameron Norkunas, Maverick Duffy, Sierra Edwards, Manuel Castrellon, Tobin Schultz, Spencer Flanders, Charity Rosier, James Alvarez, Tyler Smith, Madison Palmer, Fallon Montanucci, Brady McLaughlin, Caitlyn McLaughlin, Nick Wiggins and Jocelyn Smith.