Earth Day workday in Alpine County

The Alpine Watershed Group will be hosting an Earth Day Work Day on April 21 at Grover Hot Springs State Park. 

This event allows for the completion of restoration work to an alpine meadow. Volunteers are needed to help with invasive weed removal, fence rebuilding and extension, and state park maintenance. All are welcome to attend. No experience is necessary.

Gather at Grover Hot Springs at 8:30am for registration and introductions. Volunteers are asked to bring water in reusable water bottles (water refill stations will be provided), sun protection, and appropriate clothing. The workday will wrap up at 12:30pm. Snacks will be provided. Starbucks and Subway will be providing coffee and pastries in the morning and sandwiches for lunch.

The Alpine Watershed Group is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to protect and enhance the natural system functions of Alpine County watersheds. For more information on this event, go online.