Editorial: Strengthening Nev. ethics regulations a worthy pursuit

Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the April 16, 2018, Las Vegas Sun.

On March 21, the Reno Gazette-Journal published a story raising questions about Clark County Commissioner Chris Giunchigliani’s expenditure of more than $1 million in campaign funds on services provided by her late husband’s political consulting firm.

Five days later, in what was obviously no coincidence, Commission Chairman Steve Sisolak unveiled a package of proposed ethics and transparency reforms that included a prohibition on payment by candidates to family members or their businesses.

He didn’t mention Giunchigliani, but you can be sure he wouldn’t object if Nevadans drew their own conclusions, as both Sisolak and Guinchigliani are seeking the Democratic nomination for governor.

Competitive politics aside, however, Sisolak’s ideas deserve consideration in a state where transparency requirements and ethics laws are an unfunny joke.

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