Letter: EDC should comply with immigration laws
To the community,
On April 3, many from the El Dorado County Republican Central Committee, State of Jefferson and other county citizens will be appearing before the EDC Board of Supervisors, requesting that they adopt a resolution declaring that El Dorado County will comply with federal immigration law and does not constitute a sanctuary jurisdiction.
Joining them will be a representative from Rep. Tom McClintock’s office, who will be reading a letter from the congressman. This is also supported by Sheriff John D’Agostini, who last year publicly vowed he would comply with federal immigration law and uphold the U.S. Constitution. As well, District Attorney Vern Pierson, who testified in opposition of SB54, before the state Assembly Judicial Committee.
Counties that have adopted resolutions include Tehama, Orange, Siskiyou, Shasta and Kern and the cities of Anderson, Lincoln, Colusa and Los Alamitos. The effort is spreading through the 23 counties of aka the State of Jefferson, to include Placer and Calaveras, who have also approached their county supervisors.
The El Dorado County Republican Central Committee has also reached out to other state elected officials.
The meeting is at 9am at the county supervisors chambers, 330 Fair Lane, in Placerville.
Terry Gherardi, El Dorado County Republican Central Committee