Letter: Heavenly workers volunteer at B&B
To the community,
Since 2010, Bread & Broth has been funding our Monday meals through the Adopt A Day of Nourishment program. The Monday meal served every week at St. Theresa Grace Hall provides a hot, tasty and nutritious dinner to any individual who comes to our doors.
In addition to the full course meals, our dinner guests can pick up a food giveaway bag filled with fruit, vegetables, dairy products, canned goods and bread/pastries, and can stay until 5:30pm to grab cartons filled with the dinners leftovers. For many of the dinner guests, the Monday meal is a pleasant evening enjoying a wonderful meal and visiting with friends.
For a donation of $300, individuals, organizations, businesses or church groups, can sponsor an Adopt A Day and host a meal that will feed up to 100 individuals. Thanks to Vail EpicPromise grant funds, Heavenly Mountain Resort sponsors six Adopt a Days annually. On April 9, Heavenly sponsored the Monday meal and members of Heavenly’s product, sales and services department, Kellie Rochioli, Raymond Marshall and Randal (Wil) Wilson, volunteered their time to serve as the sponsor crew assisting the B&B volunteers with the evening’s meal.
“It feels good to get involved with helping the residents of our community,” commented Rochioli after working on the serving line. “It’s good food for the soul.”
Heavenly and its crew members are always ready to serve others and lend a hand, and their sponsor crew members frequently express how humbling and uplifting the experience is.
Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth