Mt. Rose ski patrol attain advanced care permit
Mt. Rose ski patrol is the first non-ambulance, non-fire department, non-air ambulance service to earn the advanced life support permit from the Nevada Department of Health Emergency Medical Services Division.
The Mt. Rose ski patrol has been providing ALS medical care to its sick or injured guests since 2010 under a cooperative services agreement between the ski patrol, North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District and REMSA.
Mt. Rose now has the only ALS permitted ski Pptrol in the Northern Sierra/Lake Tahoe area.
The ALS permit sets a new standard of care for the ski area and allows Mt. Rose ski patrol to provide services that include:
• Patient care provided by paramedics, advanced EMTa and EMT basic patrollers
• Medical direction and oversight by physician Lisa Nelson
• Ability to hire advanced ski patrol providers who do not currently work at NLTFPD or REMSA
• Participant in the Washoe County Regional EMS Protocols so as to provide uniformly accepted local standards of care
• Improved coordination and patient care transfer with EMS transport agencies
• Ability to apply for EMS/Pre-hospital medical grants
• Ability to purchase medications under the resort’s own DEA license.
• Mt. Rose Ski Tahoe ski patrol can provide:
• Advanced cardiac care, including 12 lead ECG
• Pain management
• Advanced airway and respiratory support
• Glucose testing and diabetic emergency care
• Access to direct medical control from hospital emergency department physicians
• Emergency medicine administration
• Over the counter medications.